Godfrey C. Onuwa, Salawu A. Jibril, Sunday S. Mailumo

Doi: 10.26480/fabm.01.2023.47.52

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This study analyzed the determinants of market margin and income disparity among Pearl Millet traders at Tilden Fulani Main Market, Toro, Bauchi State, Nigeria. A multistage technique was used to collect data from 90 respondents. Descriptive statistics, Market margin and efficiency ratio, regression analysis and Gini Coefficient index were analytical techniques adopted. The mean age, years spent in school, household size, trading experience and quantity of bags sold were 39 years, 6 years, 8 people, 10 years and 4 bags per month respectively. The market margin and efficiency index were ₦5,200 and 0.30 respectively. The highest volume of produce net sales was Channel 3 (29%). The regression coefficient (R2) was 0.707; implying that marketing margin variations were attributable to factors in the econometric model. The index of Gini coefficient was 0.51. The constraints of Pearl Millet marketing include inadequate capital (83.3%), transportation cost (78.9%), price information (61.1%), poor infrastructures (46.7%), storage facilities (33.3%), price volatility (27.8%) and exploitation by middlemen/ agents (17.8%). This study recommends improved access to credit and capital, subsidizing marketing costs, adoption of information communication and storage technologies; provision of market infrastructure and interventions, improved transportation; regulation of commodity prices and activities of middlemen; policy modifications.

Pages 47-52
Year 2023
Issue 1
Volume 4