Author:Avishek Paudel
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
An interview-based questionnaire survey of randomly selected 90 respondents who were involved in maize production was carried out from two different sites of dang district i.e. Lamahi municipality and Tulsipur sub-metro Politian city to find the economic production of maize during 2080 B.S. The broad objective was to observe the return and profit margin per unit area of maize in the aforementioned areas. The specific objectives were finding profit margin, and benefit: cost ratio, finding out the problems of farmers and determining factors affecting maize yield. Data about total variable cost, profitability, return of maize farming, and factors affecting maize production were collected. Overall, the research revealed that the average cost of maize cultivation per hectare was NRs 40213.85 and the average return per hectare was NRs 72676.04 with average profit per hectare was found NRs. 32462.19. The average benefit-cost ratio was 1.80. The maize farm was distinguished into three categories as Small-sized farms (<10 Katha), Medium-sized farms (10-40 Katha) and Large-sized farms (>40 Katha). The cost of cultivation was found higher in the case of Small-sized farms. Mechanization cost covers 30.32% of the total cost of production. An increase in the age of the farmer by 1 year increases the yield by 2% this is seen at 1% level of significance. Also, Analysis showed that the Age of the farmer, Farm size, use of manure and use of mechanization for tillage are statistically significant to the gross return of Maize.
Pages | 54-59 |
Year | 2024 |
Issue | 1 |
Volume | 5 |