Bello D, Agwale AO, Zaknayiba DB, Moren S and Ndor E

Doi: 10.26480/fabm.02.2021.51.53

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The research was designed to examine the profitability analysis of beniseed (Sesame) production in Lafia Local Government. Data collected was analysed using simple descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency count, percentage and gross margin analysis to satisfy all the objectives. From the data collected, it was deduced that majority of the respondents 94.2% that engaged in sesame production are male. Also, most of the respondents 37.5% are married men and women who participated in the production of beniseed in order to carter for their family needs. Most of the respondents have one form of education or the other but majorities of them 33.8% have primary education predominantly, people who engaged in the production of beniseed in the study area are the small-scale farmers. Most of the respondents have an average number of family 3 – 4 per household. Most of the respondents spend only few number of years 3 – 5 years in beniseed production, 66.67% of the respondents being small-scale farmers make use of their family as a source of labour. In terms of extension awareness, 70.8% of the respondents are aware of extension services while only few number 29.2% are not. In terms of access to credit facilities majority of the respondents 65.0% have no access to credit while only scanty number 35.0% have access to credit facilities majority of the respondents 46.7% have problem of inadequate fund as a source of capital.

Pages 51-53
Year 2021
Issue 2
Volume 2