Purushotam Joshi

Doi: 10.26480/fabm.02.2022.48.52

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High nutrition, but not overfeeding, has a positive effect on ewe reproductive capability in terms of the number of estrous cycles, length of the breeding season, greater ovulation rate, and improved lambing %. Copper deficiency hurts lambing percentage and lamb health. Manganese is required for the ovarian activity to be maintained. Protein is necessary for sheep for optimum sperm capacitation, conception rate, pregnancy, and reduced abortions. Protein insufficiency causes lower feed intake, poorer feed utilization, lower growth rate, lower milk output, and lower wool production. A possible reason for the decline in adult reproductive function is nutritionally impaired ovarian development. Functional impairment in any component of the hormone complex has a direct impact on reproduction. Factors such as photoperiod, nutrition, and social sexual cues, genetics, affect the reproductive capacity of both male and female sheep. In mammals, reproduction is energetically more demanding for the females than for the males.

Pages 48-52
Year 2022
Issue 2
Volume 3