Author: Santosh Paudel, Naturally K.C.

Doi: 10.26480/fabm.02.2023.117.126

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The value chain status of tomatoes in Bhaktapur, Nepal, was investigated in 2022. 60 households were randomly selected and interviewed using a pre-designed semi-structured interview schedule. Tomato farmers, traders, and extension personnel were the primary sources of primary data. Descriptive statistics were employed in SPSS and Microsoft Excel for analysis. 60 farmers were selected through the purposive selection process, which involved participants from two rural municipalities and one municipality. The marketing aspect was researched by ten traders (wholesalers and retailers). The household survey of primary data was conducted using a semi-structured interview schedule, with secondary data obtained through peer-reviewed journals, articles, websites, organizational publications, AKC, and PMAMP profiles.

The variable cost of tomato cultivation was found to be NRs. 75,920, and tunnel construction was the major cost among the total costs of tomato cultivation. The gross return of tomatoes was found to be NRs 1,48,000, with a profit of NRs. 72,080 /ropani. The tomato enterprise was highly profitable with a BC ratio of 1.94. market margin was NRs.35/kg, and producer’s share was 53.33% in the mostly used market channel. The average farmer’s gate price of tomatoes was NRs 40/kg and the consumer’s price was NRs.75/kg.

There were three distinct marketing channels. Tomato prices are heavily influenced by middlemen. Even though they were involved in packaging and grading, most farmers were unaware of how tomatoes are valued. The number of tomato farmers on their own land is around 30%. Srijana was the most cultivated variety. The major marketing challenges faced by producers were low market prices, market availability, price fluctuations, perishable nature, and transportation shortcomings. Farmers were enthusiastic about tomato production despite the low productivity and market difficulties. According to the study, tomato cultivation in Bhaktapur could be highly profitable if the government provides special assistance.

Pages 117-126
Year 2023
Issue 2
Volume 4