Prava Dawadi, Janak Pant
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The survey research entitled “Assessment of production and Marketing of large cardamom in Dordi rural municipality, Lamjung’’ was conducted from January- May 2019. The Dordi rural municipality was selected purposefully, and sample households were taken at random (96). The percentage of male households were greater than the number of female households. Tamang and Gurung were the dominant ethnic groups. Most of the respondents have completed primary level education, very few completed secondary level and rest are illiterate. The average cardamom cultivating land was 10 ropani. Practice of growing cardamom under the agro-forestry system is prevalent there. Mostly cultivated varieties of cardamom are Ramsai, Golsai and Dambarsai. Years of experience in cardamom production ranges from 5-10 years in the study area. Mostly diseases like Chirkey (Streaky mosaic) and Furkey (stunty mosaic), rhizome rot are problematic. Average cost of production was Rs 210000, and benefit was Rs 371000 per ha. then Benefit cost ratio was found to be 1.76. Thus, cardamom farming could be highly profitable, preferable, and export-oriented enterprise. It was observed that all the households use modern driers for drying fresh harvested cardamom. Rainwater is the source of irrigation. The main production determining biological factor is plantation of proper shade pant in the orchard. The shade mostly Used is Alnus nepalensis. Diseases like chirkey and Furkey and insect like leaf eating caterpillar have high problem in cardamom orchard. The payback period for cardamom is calculated as 4 years of plantation. High price fluctuation and lack of technical knowhow are the main problems in the study area.
Pages | 93-102 |
Year | 2024 |
Issue | 2 |
Volume | 5 |